Meet our Doctors
In House Specialists
Many of our specialists are in-house for your convenience. This enables us to coordinate a more comprehensive care plan and reduce additional trips to your doctor. Specialists in house include: Cardiology, Dentistry, Optometry, Ophthalmology, Podiatry, Psychiatry and Nephrology. Our preferred care network covers all other specialties.
Primary Care Doctor
We are proud to have a team of medical professionals who are always committed to excellence. Our board certified primary care doctors use some of the latest advances in medicine to personalize the diagnosis, treatment and support of you and your loved ones. We work with our compassionate and dedicated clinical staff to find solutions to improve our patients health.
Members have the benefit of same-day delivery of prescription medications at no cost, or the option of having them delivered straight to your home.
- Optical / Unlimited Optometry Services
- Community Retail Pharmacies with Robotics and Home Delivery
- Digital Diagnostic centers with newest GE Technology
- Unlimited Dental Services
- Medical Malls with Physician directed Disease Management and Preventive Medicine programs
- Over 100 new Buses to provide unlimited transportation services
- Wellness and Activities Center
- Physical Therapy and Nutritional Therapy departments
- Laboratories
- Urgent Care Centers
- Senior Support Program
- Access Florida Programs
- Hurricane Prepared Centers
- Immigration Medical Exams
Ancillary and Diagnostic Services
Diagnostic services help us determine the nature of your condition and provide you with the best treatment or next steps possible. Our services can improve your treatment, reduce or control pain and enhance your mobility and overall functionality. These services include: aerosol treatment, echo cardiogram, EKG, physical therapy, massage therapy, ultrasound and radiation.
Social Services
Social services for Medicare and Medicaid are provided in conjunction with the Children and Families / Access Department. We also have a phenomenal Membership Development Department and an in house broker which can assist in helping you with your HMO or Medicare Advantage plan and can guide you in the right direction on choosing the best Healthcare Plan for you.
We offer unlimited personalized transport to medical appointments, either at home or at external specialty offices in our Medical Centers.